
Showing posts from August, 2021

Amazon Product Research: How Effective is it?

Amazon is highly competitive. Many sellers are competing for customers in each niche and category. This is why it is so important to do your product research. The difference between a successful venture and failure is often the product you sell. It is important to stand out and sell a product that is highly sought after. You must also ensure that there is no established competition in the category. Amazon's selling process is incomplete without product research. Let's look at some ways you can find the right product for your Amazon business . Products research 101: What to remember These are the factors you should consider when searching for the perfect product. Good demand is a sign of good demand. This should be all year round. Because of irregular cash flow, selling seasonal products can be risky. High margins require that you account for logistics and fees when calculating profitability. FBA sellers can use SellerApp's Amazon FBA calculator to quickly find product marg